Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Happy B-day. You can stand under my umbrella.

Yeah it was my bday yesterday *dances around*. Pretty eventful, I had fun, but one person always tries to spoil my fun (must remember no ranting).

I had the first ever bday cake made out of pita bread and the biggest candle known to man in the middle (that was excellent) and we ate it all with cheese (yummm cheese).

There was craziness, seeing people I haven't seen in years. Becoming groupies, me walking around like a walking,talking birthday party *looks at everybody* What?! Kazzie attacked me with ballons, Loads of them.

I got some great presents, and I thank everyone who gave me a present,they were all so lovely *hugs you all* plus cards and actually showing up on my bday... *even more hugs*

Anyway, my mood plummeted during the night, and I think it affected everyone else, because I got a call from someone, who I wish no longer to name by name (you ass) who started wish death upon me (specific words being... I hope you die on that operation table you evil bitch, cow. I hate you. How dare you have fun on your birthday, while I'm miserable) because I wouldn't take them up on their offer.
I said no the first few hundred times what makes you think one more would make a difference.

I was so happy I couldn't feel my back pain during the night, it was until this morning, omg the pain kicked in. I feel so damn old, lol. I'm 20 years of age, 16 mentally and have an 80 year olds body. Well come in visit me in hospital everyone lol.

I am going to try and put the pics that I have of my bday up (there are not many) in my photo album. The link is in the navigation. Since everyone is making me sign up to facebook and myspace and other damn networking sites then I might as well show everyone.

My brother finally text me, this cheap message. 'Happy birthday sis holla at me when you can bye' but I am kinda happy because I still got a message from him. Its better than nothing right? I think he hates me now. I don't know why, I wish he didn't... I haven't done anything wrong, not anything that I know of. He is one of those people I love too much and anything he does to me I just accept. * feels a bit down* *slaps self*

Anyway, Happy stuff, ummm I'm going to the beach next week, dont know why the weather has been crappy.

I might get my new Zen Vision M because my other one decided the colour on the screen would give up on me.

GEEZ I really haven't got much going on at the moment have I? Damn you back, as soon asd they fix you, I WANT TO GET BACK ON MY FEET.

Anyway I'm done

Love ya

Cordie x

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