Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Cordie's bitches F.C/ Don't say write anything it never ends well *laughs*

Heyyyyyy everyone, been mucho busy. Uni is taking up most of my time really, but I am enjoying every bit of it. Okay so everypne there is either ghetto, chav, bitchy asians or just can't speak the english language, but I have people who are really nice 'round me and that's all that matters.

Ryan, tuks, Fiona and ozzy are the names of the people that I spend most of my time with recently. So if I Mention their names you will now know who the hell they are.

I got All American Rajects this friday and plus I have the whole week with Lexi, because him and David came down. Which, always always always makes me little teenie cordie a very happy bunny. bunny Wuvving.

Cordie's bitches F.C will be starting soon I will sell top to people who wanna be in my football squad or better yet my appreciation squad lol! just kidding.

Anyway I have business and Law work to do, plus PPD forms to fill in. Another thing can the student loan people get their act together. I want my new laptop and godamit I want it nowwwwwwww!!!

see ya later people x x x x x x
was in myspace rock room and we started having these funny convos about emos
Shattered by broken dreams (Name whore): Sorry wrong room love
Shattered by broken dreams (Name whore): i think you want
*~Anarchy's Angel~*: *guns out people*
Shattered by broken dreams (Name whore): wrist cutters 101
Shattered by broken dreams (Name whore): it's over there
Shattered by broken dreams (Name whore): i think it's called emo
Count Varg: lol
*~Anarchy's Angel~*: lol
Count Varg: lol
keely: not funny

and the classic taking the piss out of the song by hawthorne heights ohio is for lover came this very funny title:

*~Anarchy's Angel~*: Vagina is for lovers
oOTh RoTTER joined the room
~ * Nixzy * ~: XD
Death To Jesus (Justin): PMSL
emma: lol angel
:`~Waffles~`:: lol
Count Varg: Hahaha
Rev. J.Jones: cock is for lovers
keely: doesn't have the smae affect as angel's did
:`~Waffles~`:: yeah sorry

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