Monday, October 02, 2006

*w00ts* grant spending time. *uses the hurricane helms old phrase* Stand back there is a hurricane coming through. (I think that's it anyway)

Hey Guys, My week has been good. I have just moved house very tiering, packing carring, sorting and then masking everything look perfect again. I have just finished My Law Lecture and I am bloody knackered aint got no more time for a social life (not that I had much of one anyway) and I just found out I have some fucked up PPD assignment. *screams*. It's a new thing that all uni's over the country have bought in, that every student has to pass PPD or you can't continue your degree. So anyone who have finished your first year without this easy but bullshitty lesson *fingers up to you* . You have to do three things you have never done before,that will make you gain some experiance.It has to be three thigns that you have never done before. I am going to lie on one though (WHAT THEY CAN'T PROVE IT) that I have never been to a gig before. *laughs* I went to all-american rejects last friday *pisses self laughing* raise money for charity (probably breast cancer, I always come up with good ideas for that and play a gig I have always wanted to do that so yeah watch out Pre-eminent will be performing near you.)

I got my student Loan and my baby just went back to scotland today *cries* I miss him so bad when he goes away. He was actually showing me his uni books, they have my name scribbled everywhere and I MEAN everywhere. He can't help doodling my name apparently. Everyone keeps as him who the fuck is corinne, plus he gets angry when people ponounce my name wrong. *laughs* which many do.

I got my ride on the back of motorbike yesterday. Looked so cool riding on the back of Shauns motorbike. We were on our way to meet Alex. So hot and so fucking fun. At one point I screamed out loud.Actually we both did. I can't believe Lei and Shaun broke up that was so sad to hear.

Went to All-American Rejects gig. Let me tell you something they were on fire, I mean I had such a good time and the crowd was lively they were lively. It was all over too quickly. Little did I know that not only were we there, there whole bunch of people I hung around in college were there too. It was sooooooo fun, my surprise birthday party. Yeah I know what you are thinking, corinne your birthday was in July, yes I know, but he made sure all our friends had a ticket and we all got successfully drunk afterwards. I dragged alex home where he was so drunk he started swearing infront of my christian mother lol. But somehow she still likes him.

Well I am gonna go off and buy my laptop and other tidbits and books that fantastical things have 7 to buy arrrgggghhhhhh damn money consumer lol!

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