Thursday, February 08, 2007

damn nigger.... its well freezing up in here...

Ok my boiler broke yesterday, so I had to sleep in the freezing cold. These people said they were going to come and fix this boiler... at 8 in the morning today... So I wait patiently. It is now 15:01 and these niggas still aint at my doorstep lol.

So I am sitting here in the freezing cold... honestly... freezing my ass off. My fan heaters arent working... and there is just snow outside my windows lots of it.

I am tierd and cold, and have to finish tons of work... But I aint down... I am happy.

Um Just finished having a convo with about him showing me his dick and he was angry because I wouldn't show him anything... what do you think this is free friggin porn. I aint one of your net sluts. He is a nice guy but sometimes he pisses me off... get use to the fact that aint showing you jack. Hell no I aint lowering myself to please you ass oh please.

Um I have put a new pic and video today... Might change my blog by next week. I wont have anything else to do. Also next week I will be fasting for 7 days... Yesh seven days. I may be a little skeletal after it lol. My new pic is of me and my older brother Thomas... who I got to see yesterday, who actually stood in my bedroom and hung out with me. He hasn't done that in ages... that could be because he is in prison. But he was allowed a home visit for four days, but he stayed with my dad *shakes head*after all that man put your through. Anyway it is his choice. The video is of my mate Ajnoop (Aj) we were in the disney store after uni and he decided to try and play with a hula hoop. He was putting so much concentration into it... it was just funny to watch shame I only got only a few seconds of him trying to.

I'm still working on my gallery but until then... I have a crappy bravenet one in its place.

I wanted a picture of the snow this morning ... but I couldn't be bothered to go to argos for decent batteries lol.

I have a quants exam next week. I might have the change to work as a legal exec.. My lecturer sees potential in me apparently.

Going on a cruise party for valentines day hopefully with uni mates. But I wont be eating because of fasting *cries* and its my mums bday.. I am not too sure what i am getting her yet plus, ever valentines day not matter how wierd it must look to others I always buy her a card and flowers lol. Then piss off. lol

um in January I went to go and see my friends band Symbo (unusual name for a band everyone says, but don't take that away from their sound) I got in free (yeah dude) and Jasmine and Kaz had to pay. Andy, my mate is having another gig soon.. I wanna go but I have an exam the next day *cries* I really wanna go. *sobs* check em out another band was playing before them called the cutaway or soemthing like that.... but I swear the front man sounded like dave from inme... it was some scary shizzle.

Listening to the blackout again (ooooh the emoness)

On a strange High today, which means I should meet up with my friends.

Probably read my bible on the train... Yeah don't look at me like that.

Eating some stir fry my mum made... Thank you god, for my chef of a mother. lol

Anyway guys... have fun whatever you are doing this week and next ... cus I know I will...


x x x x x

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