Friday, November 19, 2004

And So It Goes On

And so it Goes on so what can I do to make you change your mind
to make your words sting less

as they have clouded my judgement

Its like you scrached me with them

Engraved me with the dirtiest blade you could find

your words

your words haunt me because I know they are true

"whatever you touch goes bad"

I try to block them out trying to rememeber that life goes on

"It'll probably effect your kids"

But there is not a day in my mind that doesn't revert

Turn back and look and see the damage I have caused

So dangerous

so Elicit

so painful

But still I sit eagerly

waiting until your life is at the tip of the knife

will you take it all back in your last breaths

could you bear to take your hatred for me to your grave

cause what choice you make determins where you go

and if life as I live it and you dont say

life will go on for some

but enternal burn for others

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