Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Fading Sing

These lonely walls
Trap me in
showing blood stains
run down them
and it enscribes your name
every memory I seek
is in the depths of me
I write them
trying to grasp what I have left of you
but you're fading
eventhoguh I protest I'm losing you


Come to me
From the side of my brain you hide
sing to me
the song grocki
Losing more souls tonight
I've seen you dissapear once
not gonna let it happen again
I buried you and you laythere
But your memory will always sing

sing on sing a song x2

What do I have left
that isn'y already gone
Mama tells me to move on
without your is like a coma patient
fighting for air drowned in a deep sleep
everything about you gives me oxygen
giving me air to breathe

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