Okay so yesterday was just so fun. Honestly, I so much fun I want to do it all over again. So I arrive at Kaz's on a friday because Kaz told me to come over. So I go over and then everyone is dressed up and I was like uh... where is everyone going? Apparently a girls night out and I had been invited but some forgot to tell me so you know I can dress up. So Lianne and Aalisson get there and lianne decideds to make everyone merry (except me) with alcohol. Although, she alread looked like she was on something because most of the girls plus Anthony and Dwaine were getting ready to escape the premises just to get away from her.
So Dwaine before we leave says to me since you will be the only one that will be sober I am telling this to you. Keep Lianne away from scanner, keep all of them away from men and don't let them drink to much. So with much wondering down the street and lianne jumping around place, plus a conversation on the phone to sufia, we reached the pub. Got inside and we realised it was quite crowded alot of people were there. Lianne buys us drink and goes up to lenny and scanner, who are already in the pub and starts talking. So we sat there and realised it was karoke night. *smiles* Many people got up and then my name wass put down for a song I couldn't even remember the words to which was against all the odds by Mariah Carey. So we sung people clapped and we sat down. Chantelle was trying to come on to Lenny, when I think all Lenny was really doing was flirting with her so he could get cigaretts from her. I thinking that was cold, but hey there is nothing that I can do to make Chantelle change her mind and stay away from a prick like Lenny. Then out no where Husband (scottie) and brother (mark) in tow.
We joked around saying that we were gonna put them up to sing. Kaz and scanner sung wonderwall by oasis, which sounded pretty cool. This nice looking bloke name Danny singing voice was so wicked I just had to tell him.Then Kaz,Jade,Lianne and I sung Genie in a bottle.To which mark at the end said out loud does everyone agree they should stay in the bottle. *laughs* you and me in Paradise by phil collins was also sung by Lianne, Kaz and Aalisson. By this time Nearly everyone was drunk except me, Mark, scott and scanner. Then Scott Dared me to sing by myself and I said fine then to show that I wasn't afraid although I was shitting myself for a while I actually forgot that I put my name up and so many people had been doing requests and stuff. Then all of sudden I hear the announcement of "Okay so next up with someone who thinks she can convince the man she loves that he can't fight her love...Corinne singing can't fight the moonlight" I swear I froze in my seat and Scott was just like come on wifey get to it.
So I got up there and Kaz was rushing to the toilet and screaming her head off and was praising who ever it was that got me up there. So the music started and people started dancing and stuff and I was singing and I was sounding pretty good...ecspecially the last chorus when she does that long note. Of course my hand was shaking like mad and Kaz was holding my other hand in support but I did it... I sang by myself, on my own in a public place. After that everyone was clapping and I was getting compliments from everyone, which was cool. When I was coming off the stage I could just hear scott going "That is my wifey right there...see I aint got no untalented bitch...*claps* Well done wifey" It felt so good to just sing my heart out. So I got up and went to the toilet and stuff and was coming out and this really drunk man grabbed my arm and said "you have a really sexy singing voice, but I wanna know what else your mouth can do" I was like ewww and he wouldn't let go of me, Kaz had to rescue me from him. I just didn't wanna hurt him. So Kaz came over pulled me from his grip and just sat down. Lianne was dancing with people just to get alcohol. So we all started getting ready to go but Kaz said she didn't want to go back home to dwaine yet, but we were telling her it was getting a bit late and stuff and the pub was about to close. Lianne pulled Kaz to the door with every reluctance and I swear Lianne took a few steps back and charged at Kaz Because they both fell down on top of each other near the door of the pub... Kaz got angry and Lianne was jolly as every always. We get back to Kaz's and sit around. Dwaine is in bad mood because everyone came in and he was watching rollerball and wanted some peace. So I walked in the kitchen and then Tim calls Kaz's phone and speaks to her and then he finds out that I am there. I tell him that my bro went down for three years yesterday, to which he was like corinne don't get in trouble, stay strong, I love you girl take care of yourself and all sorts because his speech was fulled on alcohol as well. Then she passes back the phone where Kaz tells him that Cole, some guy around Kaz's area wants to stab me.
So I start crying about my brother again (damn I hate my little outbursts) and Kaz comforts me and also watches me go toilet (don't ask). Lenny gets into a fight downstairs and other stuff just started getting out of control. Not very good, not very good at all.
I decide before anymore shit starts happening I would just leave and go home with my sick self, tired and messed up self.
yeah so that was it my fun night...
xOther updatesx
I Went out on my date with Alex, it was great. I loved it, the conversation was brilliant we have so much in common and we even wanna go into the same field of work, which is cool. We went Chinese down west end(and litraly was taking the piss out of everything imaginable)...watched Underworld, which I must say was 50/50 *drools* Scott Speedman. Went down to southbank because someone wanted coffee because it was freezing and shared it with me (not that I am a big fan of coffee) on the way home to my house, where he dropped me off and kissed me. We aren't going out or anything (oh don't I sound like the slag of the evening) I dunno we enjoy each others company and get on very well. sooooo ah well you never know it might turn into a relationship or what not but he keeps on calling me and stuff, which is good.
I took out the horsehair *laughs* so I am back to old Corinne, although I am considering putting them back in.
I've heard from Luton uni, Greenwich and I have an interview for Thames Valley. Yey. Now I am just looking or a busary or something to support me through my years at uni.
Going Job hunting for another job, I love Asda and the people who work there but the pay is pissing me off.
Oh new blog template people,not really completely satisfied with it so I might consider making one.
Yeah so I think that is it people Love you guys very much but I have to go and Meet up with Zen today...Yey. SEE YOU GUYS LATERXXX
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