Thursday, July 27, 2006

Yorkshire air gets me high

Hey people I have got to be very quick because Vic is already moaning that I have been on the computer for half an hour and I am being very antisocial, even though they all know eachother, and share a common bond of pissing on other people's tents at download *laughs* Oh me and my mum eventually left for yorkshire late at night caught the train to manchester then took coach rest of the way, it was okay got little tired afterwards. It was okay when I reached there in the early morning because Vic and David were wait for me at my other aunts house.

Yesterday I got to see my sick aunt, I must admit I did cry they are trying to put her in for surgery but they don't think its going to help much. My mum thought it would be best if I went and hung out with boys and she would stay at the hospital until everyone was ready to go home. So I took the bus back got to vic's and guess who just arrived, sitting on vics couch all smug... Alex. Vic hasn't seen me and Alex together, so he was getting slightly jealous and he was talking to me about it afterwards, I felt bad but he told me not too but I can't help it. We went to towndid a bit of shopping and sat in mcdonalds for three hours talking randomly about shit.

stayed at Vics at tuesday, spent practically half of wednesday in the hosptial and then the rest at vics. Then my mum called me to tell me that we have to go tomoz because my dad is trying to contest the divorce, not good. Anyway... got to go and finish watching V for vendetta. Eventhough I have watched it before they keep on pausing it when I go to the toilet and I'm like watch the goddamn film. lol!

Didn't have much time to do shopping, but I might be coming back down here again next week.

Vic also tried to get me and Alex to break up while we were there for the sole fact that he could try and swoop in. Plus, because he said there is no point of carrying on a relationship that will have to end come the 21st of august (day alex leaves). I don't care, I'll face that day when it comes, but until then I'm happy, he's happy and that's how it is going to stay.

Anyway love ya loads xxxx

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