Tuesday, January 11, 2005

so sick, I wanna scream

so Iwas fine yesterday, woke up this morning and I couldn't even speak right and this throbbing headache went along with it. I knew I would just catch it off my mum. Its official my immune system is shit. So anyways I've been in bed coughing out parts of my lungs I didn't even know I owned. So I stayed home yeay, but then today was the day I was plannning to make my big entrance back into the media lessons of miss edimatie, and that never happened either. So I am at home nursing my sick mother as well as she is nursing me and chris some how knows I'm at home (I'm gonna kill my mum) and he started being all nursing too which was quite creepy. so anyways I'm tired and I need some rest 'cus my head feels like people are playing either the congo drums or the steel pans in there.

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