Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Tell me why does it feel so bad -Alicia Keys

Today, everything just felt like it was crashing down around me and I was watching the pieces fall to the bloody floor.I found out in my Media class today that I have like tons of coursework that no-one didn't tell me about to do. So I have to do catchup by heard me right Friday. Everyone had at least two weeks to do it and I get 2 days to finish a Research, Planning,Construction and Evalutaion piece. I am sooooooo angry. Plus I am tired as hell 'cus most of my energy is going into my psychology piece and since I am independent student on that subject, I have to take more care to it.

I also have this almighty headache that is just thumping around in my head, which for me indicates sickness (low immune system)damn my body. Can't anything go right for me! Really if this doesn't make you feel sick, I feel like my BRAIN is gonna burst through my head, and fall on the desk infront of me.

David decides to put in my tagger that Ash and I are Pathetic and childish well david I have something to say to you

Good I've finished my little moaning session and now I am going to try and be happy. *tries to smile* sorry people it aint working. I am happier than usual though, which is a good thing, not quiet today either, I am very talktive today too.

So I'll update about my easter week soon I just can't be botherd to do it now lol! anyway people I love ya but I gotta leave ya Mwahxx

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