So yesterday we went to he theatre and sir asked us to dress smartly,no "ghetto clothing" as he put it so we all dressed up but before that I asked sir "can I wear a skirt" he replied "Corinne I told you to dress smartly, not wear skirts to turn on men" I was like ooooooookay then. ( I sound like Martha) so anyways we went to the theatre and guess who was in theplay and that I got to meet afterwards the mother from Shaun of the Dead *woots* I was totally star struck, everyone was asking me who is she.Only me and (I listen to bashment dude)Natalie (and her very greasy hair) knew who she was. I actually went to her They are a bit bitey and she just started cracking up. Kaz very jealous. I woke up this morning and my voice is gone, well kinda can't speak and the back of my throat is very scratchy. It hurts really badly, but I'm fine as long as it doesn't come with a headache or a cold , I'll be fine.
although my eyes are killing me. I have also realsied I have caught it off from carlicia. 'cus she has it too but before me so I blame her.
Oh its also official, Martha is the greatest whore I have ever met. She spent the whole day plus night with her new guy Alan and said to Karli she would come back to her house in the early morning. oooooohhh. She has only known him for a few hours and already she is "sleeping" (WE DON'T KNOW WHAT KIND OF SLEEPING) with him.
Finally finished all my Media amen this could be a weekend of wait for ......wait for
No its not because I still have drama to do which Mr J had to go and remind me while I was talkign to Miss Weston couldn't he do it afterwards.
Oh whore is in today, whore meaning Zoey, she finally stopped shagging random men to actually come into school and spend a whole day here *gasps* anyways I got nothing doing so me and my sick self is gonna go to Kaz's house. Oh and I love this little picture here it just fascinated me lol!
also just got a picture of my online friend Sebis so here it is.
Okay so I'll see you guys later. xxx
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