Friday, April 01, 2005

Its oh so quiet

well today I decided not to go to college and thought I would just hang around the area today. I know I have work to do and stuff but I just need a break from it all. Umm got in trouble yesterday for calling miss hicks a "stupid snooping cow". I didn't think it was offensive since it is the truth and I hate her guts so it just makes sense. So Miss Weston Decided she would have a lovely talk about my behaviour towards my form tutor and basically I told her I wanted to move forms and I guess she thinking of doing. Me, Kaz and Martha are going out to the social and I have the great luxury of holding dizzy yeay (hear the sarcasm) lol! anyways it turns out that everyone who was in Kaz's house yesterday got pissed and I didn't I'm very proud of myself , I didn't touch one bit of alcohol. Plus Michael said something really weird to me, He kept on saying I wanna see what you look like when you smoke and I was like why? and he says I think you'd look sexy holding a cig. I was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttttttttt??? so anyways yeah thats my diary entry for today....

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