Wednesday, August 10, 2005

awww my little geek

Okay chris doesn't want to believe that he has gone a bit geeky (which I love by the way) but the point is I said I would our convo up on my blog and he didn't believe me so I guess he might have a heartattack when he sees it's here. I might be going away with char next week if I can muster up some cash hopefully. But I got one more thing that is making this week seem alot more brighter. On friday I will recieve my new phone, my dad got it for me so I had no choice in what it was but I am happy in his choice trust me phone so I will be styling and profiling with my phone!!! Yey!

So heres the convo

Never give out your password or credit card number in an instant message conversation.

Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Hey Baby ^^
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Hey Hun. How are things going over there? Are they still tough?
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Yeah very hard. Been working non stop.
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
And I miss you every time we finish on the phone and I have to force myself to go to work.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
awww poor hun miss you too. All this missing can affect a man you know!
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
I agree! You should see me at work.
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
But there is one good thing I can say
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Only 6 more days to go
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Lol! *does a little excited dance and sings* Six more days to go
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Hear that she has the voice of an angel and she's doing the cancan.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it, you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Yeppers! Lifting up my legs, swinging around lampposts and all dat shit innit
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
LOL. Lifted legs :) LOL That's my gurl. Crazy and out of her damn mind :)
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Lol *says in proper rude girl flex* Ha You know
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
LOL. Don't turn rude girl on me.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
and what …. and what? *pulls out a bat*
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
What you trying to say? You want to hit me now? *Light saber appears from no where*
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Okay… Okay *surrenders*
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Black people always falter to the power of the light saber
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
*Bows* *Looks up evilly and draws darth Mauls Light saber*
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Oh shit XD
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Do wanna change the subject now? *waves it around with a smile on her face*
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Yes please LOL.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Good *smiles*

Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
How are you?
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Been to see the Fat fucker yet?
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
nah not recently. can't be bothered! Social keep on telling me I'm breaking the rules
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Tell me do I look like a person who fucking cares about rules.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
I make my own thankyou
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
I know you don't care about rules darling
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
This is me you are talking to
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Come on. If you cared about rules, would you have gone out with me in the first place?
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Lol! oooh I bet you're very happy though
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Hell yeah
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
No other man's chick can compare to mine
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Who says I'm yours
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
remember you always share me with Michael Vartan LOL
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
No fair
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
I don't want to share
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
YOUR mine
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Okay a tiny bit possessive
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Just like that guy you were telling me about
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
which one
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
That freaky one that calls you corinnie
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Oh god Alan
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
"Corinnie you are mine" LOL.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
if you said it I would be like
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
"Oh Okay then"
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
*has to turn away from screen* Yes.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Guess what babe
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
I got a new guitar
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Hey, about time.
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Is it as beautiful as the person who plays it?
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
oh aren't you the soppy one today. But yes it is.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
it's white and has a black fret board and is white near where the machine heads are.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
I wanna engrave my initials in it and then go over it in silver or gold.
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Sounds good
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
When I get back home we can Jam again
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
when you play drums you kill the poor thing
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
No I don't. It's just called violent drumming babe.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
yeah if you had long hair that would be some scary stuff to watch
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
though you know you are good
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Well I have got a mini afro when I take out my plaits
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
you've grown out your hair again
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Yeah got bored of it being short
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
I hate you
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
cause your hair is probably longer than mine
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Your mum went Edward scissor hands with your hair again
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
*sobs* …yes
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
I like your hair short
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Although longer suits you better
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
But when your hair is short it's easier to put my hands through
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
how would you remember something like that you haven't put your hands through my hair in ages
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
When something is gone and you miss it, you remember the little things.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Awww he misses the little things
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
Leave me alone.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
I think you can be such a sweet geek sometimes
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
God if this gets out
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
Don't worry look on my blog in about a few hours this convo will be up there
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says:
*gasps* You wouldn't. If you do I will smash your guitar.
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate* ultimate and I'm sure of it* says:
ha you wish. you see me petrol, lighter. Say bye bye to your drums
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you says| Coco is a mean cow says:
Screen name
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate*You love me really* hurt the guitar and say bye to the drums* says:
Lol! Look at mine
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know I belong with you|touch my drums and I'll cut off your tits says:
XD mine
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate*what tits I aint got no tits* I am a man says:
I didn't want you to find out this way lol!
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know we belong|Omg The girl of my dreams is a man says:
Omfg Lord why? Wait one second I know for a fact you aint a guy
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate*Yes I am a man that bulge in my trousers is real says:
And how do you know that????
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know we belong|Coco do you remember BURGESS PARK says:
screen name XD
*~Pyrexia ~*You're it you're the ultimate*Yes I am a man that bulge in my trousers is real says:
Um oh yeah so moving on swiftly
Magicz | The St. Lucian Super Saiyan - You know we belong|Coco do you remember BURGESS PARK says:
I thought you might do that.

see geeky! he's gonna hate me now for a while. lol! gonna go now and check up on Kaz apparently she is in a mood about something so I'm gonna go and try and help her out. Super Cordie to the rescue.

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